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From the Research Lab: Call for Ideas - Introducing Catalog of Possibilities

Caring Infrastructures announces a Call for Submissions of public space projects, driving long-term urban change during and post-pandemic. Projects selected by the international panel of judges will be implemented simultaneously in Tel Aviv and Vienna, backed by the respective municipalities. Caring Infrastructures explores the transformation of public space during Covid-19, focusing on urban street-space that facilitate safe collective usage and the potential to create (pop up) communal centers despite social distancing regulations. The pandemic accelerates habitual patterns in urban environments, highlighting the opportunity of the current crisis. We invite you to join the development process in an online meeting where we reveal technical details, schedules, and available budget. Everyone is welcome to apply: architects, artists, authors, researchers, urbanists, and creative people, regardless of geographical location, age, or previous experience.

Participants: Sharon Golan-Yaron from the Liebling Haus; Giora Yahalom, Director of the Culture Department of the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality; and Yoav David, City Architect of Tel Aviv-Yafo. Architect Mario Paintner and Michael Obrist from the Viennese collective feld72, managing the project in Austria, will join them to present inspiring references for outlining relevant proposals.

Caring Infrastructures is part of the Welcome to the Re_Public exhibition, currently on display at the Liebling Haus.
For more information:
Date & Time
1/25/21, 6:00 PM
Free admission, pre-registration required

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